"Recipes on a website about Structured Facilitation and Facilitator Training?"
El Chef Gringo con Sabor Boricua
In 1985, Gary founded MG Rush Systems, Inc. In 2004, he ceased operations of MG Rush Systems and left the U.S. to pursue his dream of becoming a restaurateur and incorporated in Puerto Rico as MG Rush dba Miracles Restaurant, a critically acclaimed restaurant in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico.
"Gary believes that pursuing dreams keeps us alive and growing. That our dreams provide synergies and lessons in life that we use as we pursue new goals and that it is never a mistake to pursue our dreams - it is a mistake not to."
In 2005, after a one year absence, Gary returned to consulting reinstating MG Rush Systems, Inc., changing his company name from MG Rush Systems to MGR Consulting, Inc.
"The greatest homage we can pay to truth is to use it." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Gary Rush, IAF CPF | M, MGR consulting, Inc. is back with a new identity! - new company name, new internet domain: mgrconsulting.com, new telephone number, new logo, new lessons learned, new ideas, tools and concepts, and a new product - FoCuSeD™ holistic structrured facilitation - the ultimate structured facilitation technique - a revolution from FAST facilitation (a proprietary structured facilitation product created by Gary in 1985), but with the same values, mission and vision, to continue his legacy as a recognized leader in the field of Structured Facilitation and Facilitator Training.
So, Gary is also a Chef (read our FoCuSeD™ Facilitator eNewsletter Pursuing Dreams).
As a Chef he adds recipes to complement the season. Check out his recipes and let us know what you think - contact Gary.
MG Rush dba "Mirácles" Restaurant