Gary Rush Facilitation | FoCuSeD™ Facilitator Training

FoCuSeDLogo "Facilitation Skills are transferable from one role or business to another; critical thinking, problem solving, effective communication, active listening, team building, etc. are the most critical skills to set you apart and keep you viable for the 21st century."


Our FoCuSeD™ Facilitator training classes are a unique approach to meeting facilitation and the state-of-the-art in structured facilitation methodology. They provide detailed training on the concepts of Holistic Facilitation. They provide detailed People and Process tools to ensure collaborative useful solutions. They are enhanced through effective highly interactive learning activities because Gary is a Thiagi Certified Trainer. They are comprehensive, and provide a complete set of skills, knowledge, and practice that you are able to apply immediately upon completion. They give you effective leadership, business, and interpersonal skills that build your confidence. They develop Collaborative Leaders. It's time to get FoCuSeD™!

"They teach critical skills that are crucial to make Agile successful - about FoCuSeD™ Agile."


see "What People Say..."

FoCuSeDLogo "The FoCuSeD™ Facilitator classes and the FoCuSeD™ Leader class devote 50% of class time to People Skills and 50% to Process Skills providing balanced, holistic learning."

  • Our FoCuSeD™ Facilitator Classes follow a state-of-the-art structured facilitation methodology that will take you from Preparation through The Workshop/The Meeting to Follow-Up.

  • We offer numerous FoCuSeD™ Classes with the organization in mind - maximizing the benefit for the participants by delivering the skills they need for the job they do.

  • Our FoCuSeD™ Classes provide consistency in terminology, models, and concepts that are built upon the fundamental principles of structured facilitation - they share ideas using a consistent basis of understanding.

  • We enhance our FoCuSeD™ Training through effective, highly interactive learning activities that enable content to be grasped and understood.

  • In our FoCuSeD™ Facilitator Classes students practice 40% of the class time and receive comprehensive assessments along with recorded sessions facilitated by the student.

  • Our FoCuSeD™ Classes are effective, comprehensive, and provide a complete set of skills, knowledge, and practice that you are able to apply immediately upon completion.

  • Our FoCuSeD™ Facilitator reference manuals, guide you through all segments of the essence of Structured Facilitation, along with providing comprehensive People and Process Tools, and Cookbook Processes fully described using an Annotated Agenda format.

  • Our unique FoCuSeD™ Holistic Parallel Process Development enables the Facilitator to seamlessly integrate the workshop/meeting process parallel to the emotional group cycle.

  • We update our FoCuSeD™ Class materials periodically to incorporate new topics, ideas, tools, and concepts in Structured Facilitation.

"We can bring all of our FoCuSeD™ classes on-site anywhere in the world."

  • We use our classroom setting as a learning tool - showing you "how to" by modeling the methods as we teach them.

  • Student practice workshops provide you with an opportunity to receive honest, valuable feedback, and recommendations for continuous improvement.

  • Student feedback is important to us for continual improvement.

  • We maintain communication with our alumni to keep our training fresh through The FoCuSeD™ Facilitator eNewsletter.

  • Additionally, alumni of our FoCuSeD™ Training are able to contact us with questions or advice.

"Gary Rush, IAF CPF | M - becoming the leading trainer for structured facilitation having his facilitation technique used widely around the world."


The FoCuSeD™ Facilitator Academy | 4-days

FoCuSeD™ On... | 3-days

FoCuSeD™ Business Analyst | 3-days

FoCuSeD™ 'Soft' Skills for Meeting Facilitation | 1-day